
UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute research sheds light on gray matter

UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute research sheds light on gray matter

SANTA CRUZ, CA – January 10, 2019 Investigators at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute and UCSC Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells are helping complete the picture of what makes us human. They hope that their latest research  that looks closely at our brains and compares its evolution to that of other primates, including apes and monkeys — will provide the basis for important insights underlying brain development.

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Genes found only in humans influence brain size

Genes found only in humans influence brain size

May 31, 2018
By Tim Stephens | UCSC
A set of three nearly identical genes found only in humans appear to play a critical role in the development of our large brains, according to a study led by researchers at UC Santa Cruz.

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New Genetic Clues to the Mystery of Your Giant Brain

Compared to gorillas and orangutans, our brains are 3X as big. Brain size is likely a big part of what makes us human. UC Santa Cruz and UCSF scientists recently made an important discovery shedding light on how we got big brains.