El gen que esculpió nuestro cerebro

El gen que esculpió nuestro cerebro

May 31, 2018MAR DE MIGUEL | El Mundo Un error genético cambió la forma en que se desarrollaron nuestras neuronasIdentifican 40 genes humanos relacionados con la inteligenciaLas diferencias entre el cerebro del hombre y el de otros primates La evolución es un proceso...
Scientists hunt down genes behind humankind’s big brain

Scientists hunt down genes behind humankind’s big brain

May 31, 2018By Will Dunham | Reuters Scientists have pinpointed three genes that may have played a pivotal role in an important milestone in human evolution: the striking increase in brain size that facilitated cognitive advances that helped define what it means to be...
Exploring the unique genes behind our large brains

Exploring the unique genes behind our large brains

May 31, 2018By Catharine Paddock PhD  | Fact checked by Tim Newman | Medical News Today A group of genes that is found only in humans and arose in our ancestors 3–4 million years ago may have driven the evolution of our bigger brains. This revelation — and the work...
Human-Specific Genes Implicated in Brain Size

Human-Specific Genes Implicated in Brain Size

May 31, 2018 By Abby Olena | The Scientist Three members of a gene family called NOTCH2NL may have been involved in the evolution of humans’ big cortex. In the last few million years, the brains of humans and human ancestors have quickly evolved to be much bigger and...